Frame. Ideate. Prototype. Test. Learn. {Repeat?} Build. Deploy. {Breathe} Measure. Research. Align. Prioritize. {Repeat} Outcomes.
I design how people accomplish their business.
I’ve collaborated with incredibly talented people over the years—nurturing ideas from zero to one & transforming existing services into effective experiences at scale by placing the goals, aspirations, and jobs of users at the center of our approach.
I shephard teams towards shared vision by following four guiding principles:

Trade Offs Are The Solution
Companies navigate an external world of abundance, yet operate with finite resources and opportunity windows. I’ve witnessed executives employ a myriad of strategies and operating models to realize business outcomes with philosophies invariably rooted in either GTM or Product to move the needles that deliver value.
Design’s understandable charge is the creation of representational interfaces that serve the needs of customers, and by proxy the business. To become effective at driving human outcomes that generate business results, I align to strategy, and continuously sensemake user insights, system realities, and market trends to help shape vision and provide guidance.
When empowered, Design questions assumptions to pursue maximum value, but regardless, we lean into constraints and move initiatives forward.

Accelerated Outcomes
Customer satisfaction, user growth, retention, task conversion, and increased engagement—each are realized through cross functional work product.
Over the medium to long-term, Design's steadfast commitment to human outcomes expedites the strategic investments that move these needles, quickening the realization of corresponding business outcomes.
We strive for effectiveness by forming hypotheses—the notions that frame an approach to enable graceful engagement with the brand. This collective focus pulls disparate functions together to move towards a common understanding of value. As we iterate artifacts that serve a wide range of conversations, we move cross-functional teams out of impasse, into alignment, and towards outcomes.

Partner Deep, Service Wide
Resources will always be suboptimal compared to the appetite of the business.
I value conversations that identify opportunities to realize business strategy, and then approach impacting the interaction model through the lens of usefulness, usability, accessibility, and desirability. I believe we can only reach desired outcomes, including a lift in brand experience and delivering on promises made to the market, by partnering talent appropriately—the right people working on the right things with the right degree of investment.
My goal is to put my team in the best position to succeed while stretching their individual skill sets, helping them build social capital while making measurable impact for our users and the business.

Mindful Leadership
Business is a dynamic venture, which makes leadership and people management difficult undertakings. I work hard to stay present, actively listening for shared learnings, which most often manifest through subtle forms of communication. I simultaneously hold partners accountable to communicate with clarity and transparent expectations.
I believe that the best leaders first lead themselves, so I dedicate time each day for self-reflection through writing, which nurtures my self-awareness, and deepens my commitment to my role, my team, and the overarching organization. I value two-way conversations, and proactively seek scenarios to share learnings, propose paths forward, refine my decision-making, and uncover blind spots through the feedback of others.
All apologies to the gravitas of self-assuredness, but it runs counter to the efficacy of business to be steadfast on a position when surrounded by opportunities to make more fruitful decisions.

The Work